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Annotated Bibliography 

  1. Schoen, Julia. “Final Paper: Media Analysis.” BIS 393. Gender, Race, and Mental Health, Professor Karisa Butler-Wall, Autumn 2018.

    1. Schoen uses skills of media and film analysis to dissect mental health issues and how they are affecting people of different genders and races within the United States. She incorporates the ideas and theories from Angel Garbes and Hesse-Biber in order to provide examples of the various ways that the mass media culture represents mental health through the different gender and racial lenses. Through these examples, Schoen argues that the current media lacks a clear and consistent representation of minority groups dealing with mental health issues.

    2. I chose to include this media analysis in my academic portfolio because it demonstrates a clear understanding of several complex issues. Issues surrounding mental health are often demonstrated as a “taboo” subject, but this piece of writing accurately and sincerely speaks to mental health issues as they should be. I feel that this piece of work successfully shows my strengths in understanding the subject matter and expands the course objectives revolving diversity in order to reach an audience of our mass media culture.  

  2. Schoen, Julia. “Women in Rap: LL Cool J.” BIS 235. Critical Media Literacy, Professor Min Tang, Winter 2018.

    1. Within this group project, Schoen demonstrates a clear connection between gender and rap songs throughout different generations and how these different genders are often portrayed within this specific culture of music. She and her group mates argue that women are often portrayed as objects within rap songs, only to be seen for their sexuality or their physical appearance. Through this argument, Schoen, along with her group mates, provide examples of ways listeners of rap can begin to change this culture of degradation towards women. This project incorporates an alternative method of music within this genre that can make a more positive impact on the lives of listeners.

    2. I wanted to include this project in particular because I think it demonstrates a group activity that looks at the course content of media analysis through a new lense. The alternative method was a hands on way that my group mates and I could connect to the class material and hopefully spark a change in others as to how they think of these issues as well.

  3. Schoen, Julia. “350 Eastside: Final Archive.” BISGWS 302. Histories and Movements of Gender and Sexualities, Professor Julie Shayne, Winter 2019.

    1. Within this group collaboration, Schoen incorporates the use of historical class concepts and new found information from the 350 Eastside Organization in order to generate a collection of archival materials for the UWB library. She, along with her group members, use interviews, photos, flyers, etc, to give an up to date collection of this upcoming climate justice organization. Through these documents and artifacts, Schoen and her group mates show a clear understanding of how issues of gender and sexuality are present in all different fields of work.

    2. I chose to incorporate this piece within my  academic portfolio because it was one of the most challenging, yet rewarding projects in my time at UWB. Having to collaborate with not only my group members, but also an outside non-profit organization was quite a struggle. However, it was very rewarding in the end because we were successfully able to create documents that could be archived for future references. This project directly speaks to the IAS goal of building and sustaining partnerships with communities outside of the UWB campus itself.

  4. Schoen, Julia. “Brochure: STI Stigma and Testing.” BIS 316. Topics in Psychology, Professor Lauren Lichty, Winter 2019.

    1. Schoen uses skills of visual elements and incorporates content surrounding STIs and the stigma that is present within our current culture. Through collaboration, she provides a unique example of the course material through a visual and applicable map and brochure where students on the UWB campus can find resources surrounding the content mentioned above. Through this brochure, Schoen demonstrates a clear understanding of how college students are connecting with issues of sex and sexuality in their day to day lives, and helps to generate a community where people can feel comfortable about such matters.

    2. I chose to include this brochure in my portfolio because it was one of my favorite projects, and even courses, to date. This class and the content that was learned was clearly demonstrated within this piece and I found this project to be a very unique way to relate to these issues of sex and sexuality. This project also speaks to the IAS goals of generating a community where classroom learning can be extended to other outside sources and was a way to help students at UWB to learn this information as well.    

5. Schoen, Julia. “Documentation: Chaos.” BISIA 440. Advanced Visual and Media Arts Workshop, Professor Carrie Bodle, Spring 2018.

  1. Schoen uses visual and media arts skills and techniques to demonstrate a visual documentation of her art installation. She uses concise filming and editing techniques in order to accurately portray her work as an authentic archive of the installation process, as well as the installation presentation itself. Schoen shows careful dedication to the various shots in order to present her documentation in a fitting way.

  2. I wanted to include this video within my portfolio because it is different from the more traditional classroom style work that was done within my IAS experience. This piece of work shows my enjoyment for visual arts and portrays a more creative side to my studies at UWB. This video is a great example of the ways I could potentially take my media and visual studies outside of the campus experience and extend my knowledge to other communities.

6. Schoen, Julia. “Public Service Announcement: I Suck.” BISMCS 240. Working with Video, Professor Samuel Yum, Autumn 2017.

  1. Within this piece of work, Schoen uses precise filming and editing techniques in order to create a public service announcement video. She incorporates the use of found images, as well as her own content to create a PSA that speaks to issues surrounding climate justice. Through this information, Schoen has generated an announcement that demonstrates her skills in visual media techniques that is able to reach a wide range of audiences.

  2. This video was one of my favorite videos that I created here at UWB. It was a way that I could merge a few of my passions into one project, including visual media, filming/editing, and climate justice. I think that this project successfully portrays my skills in the areas of media techniques and speaks to ways that I can extend my in-class learning to the outside world.

7. Schoen, Julia. “Writing Assignment 2: Film Critic Diners.” BIS 300. Interdisciplinary Inquiry, Professor Raissa DeSmet, Autumn 2017.

  1. Schoen uses creative writing skills in order to articulate concepts of film, diaspora, culture, and identity. Her creative writing skills are demonstrated in the form of a dialogue script between herself and other scholarly authors, including Andrew Lam and Gloria Anzaldúa. Schoen uses this dialogue script as a way to synthesize her own thoughts with the complex content of the overall course.

  2. I chose to include this in my portfolio because creative writing was something that I was fairly new to at the time this piece of writing was created. This writing pushed me outside of my comfort zone and allowed me to discover a new way to display information. This assignment allowed me to see what I am capable of as a writer.

8. Schoen, Julia. “Research Cluster: Gun Violence.” BIS 313. Issues in Media Studies, Professor Ron Krabill, Spring 2018.

  1. Through this group collaboration, Schoen shows the issue of gun violence through a media studies lens. She uses the scholarly works of John Hartley, Sarah Gray, and Michael Siegel in order to successfully portray the current climate of gun violence within the United States. To accompany these thoughts and theories, Schoen and her group mates created a Media Plan that would generate a new text, in the form of tweets and hashtags, that would help to reach and inform a wide range of audiences on the subject of gun violence.

  2. I chose to include this in my portfolio because it is another issue that I am very passionate about. I think this group collaboration successfully demonstrates my passion toward diversity and human rights issues that are affecting so many people. This project stretched my thinking in a way that would help me to conceptualize the different techniques in media studies.

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